Friday, December 18, 2009

To Live and Die for Honor, Friday, December 18, 2009

Hearts are heavy in our fair city as we learn of the death of yet another law enforcement officer. DPS Officer Chris Marano died in the line of duty last evening. As the wife of a law enforcement officer, each time one of "our own" dies in the line of duty, there is a chill that takes over my heart. My sweet Bear is the Benevolence Officer for our Officer's Association and is asked to go where the bereaved family and fellow officers are congregating - usually at the hospital - to offer whatever aid our Association can. This is a family and it is not a blue line but a wonderful blue ribbon that binds our hearts together - especially when one has been called Home. Dear ones, I cannot tell you that I am always brave in these circumstances but I find myself breathing in quite deeply, tears filling my eyes as I know that my children and I could be called to walk this valley. To that end, allow me please to take a moment and pay tribute to my husband and to other law enforcement officers everywhere:

To Live and Die For Honor
It is not the uniform, the badge or the weapon
that compels you to daily put on the armor
of courage but it is a call within you to
live or die for honor.
To you, your profession is your calling, your mission
your ministry and each and every day you step out
you know that you live or die for honor.
You are courageous, you are brave, you have an
authority and a presence that is Divinely appointed
and you walk with a confident gait that tells others
you live or die . . . for honor.
If asked to choose a life without love or a life
without honor, it is abundantly clear that you
live and you would die . . . for honor.
Others don't understand and are quick to
criticize when a mistake is made but are the
first to call you because they know that you
would give your life to protect them. They
know without saying that you live or die
for honor.
Law enforcement officers are people - imperfect and breakable. They love to do what they do and loving what they do sometimes costs them their lives. In memory of Officer Marano, to his precious wife and children, his DPS family, to my husband and law enforcement officers everywhere - my sincere condolences and eternal appreciation for your bravery, courage, commitment and unending dedication To Protect and To Serve . . . For Honor. Yours, In Him - AA

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