Monday, December 14, 2009

Such a Strange Way To Save the World, Monday, December 14, 2009 - For His Glory

I cannot imagine what Mary and Joseph had racing through their minds when they became ABUNDANTLY aware of the amazing plan they had been asked to be part of. Me? I'm INCREDIBLY human and I think my response would have been something like "ARE YOU KIDDING??" I do that now! I hear the Holy Spirit speaking to me and although I know that God just asks me to be obedient, there are million things running through my head other than simply "Yes, Lord." but that's what Mary and Joseph did. In spite of what I'm sure were a million things running through their minds - including the thoughts shared with us in the Gospels - they said "Yes, Lord." There's a precious Christmas song that the group "For Him" put on an album years agao and part of the chorus says:

"Now I'm not one to second guess
What angels have to say . . .
But this is such a strange way
to Save the World."
Yeah, it was but thankfully, dear ones - if there had been no Christmas there could be no Cross. And I am so thankful that more than 2000 years ago our amazing God delivered His one and only so that WHOEVER believes in Him shall be saved. I'm not always confident in my ability to do what God has for me to do but I am asking Him to give me the courage to be obedient and, like Mary and Joseph, to simply say "Yes, Lord." No Christmas, no cross. No Cross, no crown. Praying Christmas blessings on you now and the whole year through! AA

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