Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Rescue Me - For His Glory, Tuesday, August 18, 2009

As parents, sometimes we have to fight the urge to rescue our adult children from their choices. Typically by the time our kids get to be "adults" they're used to us "rescuing" them because we've taught them, naturally, that we are their parents and they can and should come to us when they're in a "tight spot." There is, however, a line between rescuing a child who has become physically injured or is in a situation not of their making and rescuing a child who has continued to make choices they know are not right. Our older son found himself in this situation after several years of making really poor choices, one of which was to use illegal substances. He called me a couple of weeks ago and indicated that he no longer wanted his life to be headed the direction it was headed - that he wanted to change. Our son wanted rescue. A week ago, Joe and Brendan were out camping, allowing Joe some time to clear his head and get focused on where his life was headed. He had decided to go for a walk with the dog and soon found himself turned around and unable to find his way back. After several hours of being "lost" Brendan had to enlist the help of the Sheriff's Department. Once again, our child needed to be rescued. Thankfully, he was and I cannot tell you the relief I felt at knowing he had been rescued and what I learned from that, what I was reminded of, is that we all, by God's grace, can be rescued. We all NEED to be rescued from our bad choices, our sin, our humanity, our imperfection. I am no different in that need than my sweet boy. Friends, take heart - scripture is rife with cries to the King of "rescue me." King David knew firsthand of his need for rescue and depending on the version of the Word you're reading, there are no fewer than 11 cries for rescue in the Psalms alone. You know me. A lot of what touches my heart comes from the scriptures that are put to music and, in this instance, the group "Selah" has a song called "Rescue Me" which says
"Deep is the river that I have to cross
Heavy the weight on my shoulder
I have discovered how great is the cost
Of trying alone to cross over
I try and I try but the current’s too strong
It’s pulling me under and my strength is gone
Don’t leave me stranded!
Rescue me, my God and my King,
Water is rising and I cannot breathe,
Wrap your arms all around me
and Carry me over
(rescue me)
Carry me over RESCUE ME!" (C) Selah
Dear ones, regardless of the current washing over us that threatens to take the very breath from our bodies, I am learning that indeed, God is my strength and my rescuer and in HIM I can trust. Be encouraged . . . you can trust in Him too and He WILL rescue you! Loving you, With His Love - AA

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