Friday, January 8, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010 - Rehabilitating the Heart - A Broken Legged Sheep

Unfortunately, prescription medication is depleting some of my memories and try as I may, I cannot recall who was telling the following story but it's good and bears repeating as it explains where I am in the rehabilitation of my heart: Shepherds have charge of their flock and once in awhile, there is a little ornery sheep who will not stay with the flock. Wolves prey on errant sheep and the Shepherd, being wise and desiring to teach the lamb to stay close, will often break the lamb's leg and carry it so the sheep learns to rely on the Shepherd. Once the leg is healed, the lamb knows to stay close to the Shepherd. Oh, dear ones, that is indeed what happened to me and instead of believing that Jesus would carry me through the broken leg, the surgery, the job loss, the issues with our son, I felt as if He couldn't hear me and I was left to tend to all of these things on my own. Now, it is not only my leg that is broken and the only One who can heal me is Jesus. This morning, I heard a song that I love by the group Selah. It is a remake of the popular song "You Raise Me Up" and if you are familiar with the song you know that the chorus says
"You raise me up so I can stand on mountains.
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas.
I am strong when I am on your shoulders.
You raise me up to more than I can be." (C)
If you know me, you know that I desire to be all that God would have me to be and that indeed, I can stand on mountains, that I CAN walk on stormy seas. But I know that for now, the only strength I have is when I am resting on the shoulders of the Almighty and allowing HIM to raise me up in HIS time, to more than I can be on my own, For HIS glory. Much love - AA

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