Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's Just "My Turn" - For His Glory, Wednesday, March 4, 2009

There are things that only God can do and I believe that God is the only One who never gets sick. HE is perfect! In the past two weeks I have seen more doctors than I have seen in two or three years and I gotta tell you, for the most part, they're nice folks but I REALLY have had my fill. I started getting a little irritable about this whole "illness" stuff as my idea of "ill" is feeling a little under the weather or having a headache. I was reminded about my humanity in a devotion from Max Lucado entitled "Thine is the Kingdom" from Max's weekly devotional "Upwords." The writer of the Gospel of Matthew recounted that Jesus instructed us to pray "

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
For YOURS is the kingdom
[YOURS IS] the power and
[YOURS IS] the glory forever (Emphasis Added/Mine).
There is nothing in the Word of God which tells us that we're inoculated from anything whether that be trials, heartache, grief, loss . . . illness and I don't like being reminded that my physical body is imperfect and subject to frailty. Pastor Lucado reminds us that there are mountains that ONLY God can climb and we are NOT self-sufficient nor were we created to run a kingdom. I am not anyone's savior and I am not all-powerful. My body is insufficient and this time, it has just been "my turn" to be subjected to the humanity of my existence. Pastor Lucado's gentle smack upside my head reminded me that I am not God but God is God and I can rest that in illness, trials, difficulty, grief or pain, HIS grace is sufficient because He is the King and He's got the power and we'll give Him the Glory - for our good! (For more by Pastor Max Lucado go to Blog me back!! aa

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