Friday, February 27, 2009

Doing Things the Right Way

"But let all things be done properly and in an orderly manner" (1 Corinthians 14:40)
. . . For God is not a God of confusion" (1 Corinthians 14:33)"

As women, we come to a time in our lives when things "change." Some changes are positive and much-needed such as our children growing up and becoming more independent, but other changes tend to leave us frustrated over those things we appear to have little to no control over. Shortly after Bear and I married, I gained what was, for me, a considerable amount of weight. I knew it was a considerable amount when a neighbor asked me if we were expecting. I roared in laughter, he has still not forgotten the faux pas. While I was not overwhelmingly overweight, those who've known me a lifetime know I am, by nature, a petite woman. My weight since 1999 has gone up and down and in 2004 I ordained that the weight had to come off and come off it did. While I was dieting and exercising, because of stress I lost 37 pounds. Not that I had 37 to lose but lose it I did. I won't tell you I had done it slowly or well but I was thinner than I had been when Bear and I married in 1998. 20 of the 37 found their way back (I reckon they weren't lost enough) and I have since struggled to get those fat pounds off my body. I found, through several trips to the Emergency Department this week, that trying quickly to "lose" that which has become fond of my person, can lead to dire consequences. I couldn't eat, had nausea I hadn't known with pregnancy, I had pain that required pharmaceutical intervention and all I could do was lay my unhappy self on the couch. THIS is not the Master's grand plan for losing weight!! What became abundantly clear to me was that in the same slow way these 20 pounds had "found" their way back to me, that same slow way was how I will have to lose them for good. There is a right way - there is a wrong way. I have begun to ask God to be abundantly clear to me how to approach this situation and He is giving me wisdom to address the issue - like the wisdom in the scripture above. God is NOT a God of chaos and He does not ordain that our lives be chaotic. I believe that when I ordain to do things as God would have me do them, the results are as He would have them to be. I know He ordains for me to be healthy and fit and He will give me the wisdom to make that happen. I encourage you "brethren" by the mercy of God that you join me in seeking the wisdom of our creator in how to undo what's been done whether it be weight gain, debt or marital strife and that we allow the God of all things orderly to set our steps as He would have them to be set. I truly believe that when we allow God to direct our actions and we are obedient, we prosper, there is order and, probably, there is weight loss. Pray for me, will you? Know I will pray for you if you will let me know how I can. Loving you and trusting that He works all For Our Good and For His Glory!! AA


azdesertcatsd said...

I hope that you are feeling better. It is so very true of losing weight slowly. It didn't get there overnight & shouldn't come off overnight either. I too am seeing my weight inch up. I need to loose about 5 lbs. I am going to do that walk-a-thon, so will start training soon. Hopefully the extra exercise & watching my calories a little closer will take those 5 lbs off & get me in a little better shape. I wish you well & as always if there is anything that I can do to help, please let me know.

For His Glory said...

thanks Sher Bear! Will follow this post with another in the same "vein!" I reckon it's just "my turn" to be addressing the humanity of my "earth suit!" I have been to the doctor more in two weeks than I have been in two years and it looks like I will be taking some personal time to get all this doctor stuff caught up! YUCK! :)