Monday, March 30, 2009

Everyone's Got a Story

We had the privilege of being in attendance at the Rock and Worship Roadshow ( on Friday night at the US Airways Arena where we sang and worshipped with the bands Addison Road, 10th Avenue North, Hawk Nelson (THEY ROCK OUT), Jeremy Camp and Mercy Me. We sang, we worshipped, we praised Jesus and we heard the Word of God - the Truth - spoken in love and I know that many were ministered to that night. Oftentimes we see others in ministry - music or otherwise - and think "they've never known what I've known" or we have the notion that because of the choices that we've made in our lives that God cannot possibly use us For His Glory. I thought that for a LONG time and still, in fact, have many moments where I question God's ability to use "someone like me." He does, he will and everyone's got a story. Moses was a murderer. David - well he was an adulterer AND a murderer AND a crummy parent but the scripture refers to him as a man after God's own heart. Solomon had what seemed like a million wives and even though he wrote the Proverbs - the book of wisdom - he wasn't always wise in his own life. Joshua suffered from a lack of faith and Rahab, she was, um, well, of questionable moral character. You know, one of "those" girls. And those folks were from the OLD testament. There are many, many more who have a story and yet our mighty God used these ordinary people in extraordinary ways and He is STILL touching lives and hearts because of their stories. Bart Millard of Mercy Me shared that his little boy has Juvenile Diabetes. Jeremy Camp shared that his first wife had died of cancer. First wife? What first wife? We know about his wife Adie - the singer, who has her OWN album. But when you listen to some of the songs that Jeremy writes and sings you realize he TOO has a story. He's not just some good lookin' kid who can sing and compose and write. He's a follower of Christ who is not inoculated from the consequences of choices - ours and others'. He's just willing to take the story that has been written - continues to be written - and use the talents and gifts God has given him. Are we? Am I? I hope so. Write me back and tell me your story. A friend of mine recently did and it humbled me to tears that she would find me worthy to share her story. It compels me to pray for her as often as the Lord brings her to my thoughts. If you think your story keeps you from being used by God - share it with a brother or sister in Christ that you can trust and trust, that God can and will use all that comes to pass in our lives, For our Good and For His Glory (Romans 8:28). Loving you with His love and praying for you!

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