Monday, June 22, 2009

I'm Slipping . . . no, wait . . . I FELL! For His Glory, Monday, June 22, 2009

Yeah - it's been four weeks ago today that I crash landed. While I would LOVE to be telling you that "the rest is history" it's not. Today, I started physical therapy. For most of it, I cried - great rivers of painful tears. While I kinda "knew" in the back of my head that this was gonna hurt, I really had NO IDEA how badly. Muscles have stiffened and were in spasm, crutches were too short, brace wasn't adjusted correctly, hip was out of alignment - in short, I'm a wreck. BUT once I got done with the therapy, I actually began to feel some relief. Am I uncomfortable - yeah. Is it actually better than before the therapy? Absolutely? I had to laugh when I finally made it back to work as the scripture from Saturday's devotional was Psalm 94:18 which says "I cried out, 'I'm slipping!' and your unfailing love, O LORD, supported me." While God didn't keep me from falling, His love has continued to support me and I feel it. While I was waiting for therapy to start, I was flipping through a scripture card index I have made and am taking greating comfort in the Word from Psalm 17:6 which says "I am praying to YOU because I know YOU will answer, oh God. Bend down and listen as I pray." (both NLT). Friends, it's tough and for some, it may get tougher before it gets better. God may not keep us from falling (physically or spiritually) but He WILL help us when we do and when we're on our backsides after the fall, I KNOW that we can pray and that He will bend down to listen as we do. Be encouraged today that no matter how low you're feeling, how far you've fallen or if you're down and can't get up, His love is supporting you and will continue to do so and He WILL hear you when you pray. Loving you with His love! AA


Unknown said...

I know that God listens as I pray, and that alone puts me at ease.

It is great to hear that you have started PT, and that you are on the road to recovery :) You are a very strong person, and you will be back to 100% soon.

Have a great week this week!

For His Glory said...

Thank you my darling friend. You and the beauty are a joy to my heart. If there is ANY strength in me it comes from Jesus, my family and my precious friends like you! I miss you and I am SO thankful that He has put you into our lives. I am looking forward to the day we write the last page of this chapter of the journey and to learning what God has for us to learn from this. Loving you both, with His Love! AA