Friday, April 24, 2009

For His Glory - Friday, April 24, 2009 - An "Aha" Moment

You know, every once in a while, I "get it." I have an "aha" moment and last night I was blessed with not ONE but TWO of these gems!
Since becoming a Juice Plus+ customer and distributor, I have endeavored to learn about nutrition and I have struggled to sort through the quantities of information about how to nourish the body, lose weight, contend nutritionally with the natural changes that come with "growing up" and still feed my family well.
I picked up a ladies' magazine at the newsstand touting a diet based on "phytonutrient-rich" foods. The things on the list were not foreign to me but I thought I had seen the list before.
Yesterday, a friend at lunch shared with me that she was dropping pregnancy weight with a diet based on the "Super Foods" and as I read the list of foods, again I thought "I've seen these somewhere before." I got home last night and printed the "Super Food" list and compared it to the list of "phytonutrient-rich" foods in the magazine and I was excited to see that they are the same! What was even more exciting was that I practically RAN to my cabinet to get my Juice Plus and LO and BEHOLD - a number of the "Super Foods" are in my Juice Plus+! Why am I NOT suprised??? It was then that I had that first "aha" moment - one I had prayed for as I asked the Lord to give me discernment and wisdom navigating these "nutritonal" waters and it was this: Nutrient dense food is more satisfying and we don't have to eat as much of it to be satisfied and have our nutritional needs moment. Eating less leads to weight loss. Eating better food that is truly nutritious leads to a healthier body. YESSSSS! It's only taken me 46 years but I GET IT! Almost immediately, the Holy Spirit revealed to me that our relationship with our Father is the same way! While daily devotionals, Christian music and reading books that are edifying and uplifting are the "snacks and appetizers" of our Christian lives, the real nutrition is in the daily prayer and reading of the Word. When we takethe time to meet with God and not just recite our lists of "please do" and "thank you's" and we take in the nourishment of His word we are filled. It is not enough to know the salvation of Jesus but it is in nourishing our spirits daily in the Word of God and in time in prayer that we are truly "Fit for Kingdom Duty." I am so thankful that when we desire to be fit for duty that God will reveals to us what we need, for our good, For His Glory! Yours, In Him! AA

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