Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Trusting God

I am learning, dear ones, that what Satan intends for evil, God WILL use for our good and for His Glory. We see this play out time and time again in the Word. With Jonah, Nehemiah, Esther . . . Job. Mind you, I am not typically fit to stand in the company of these saints but I claim the promise of God's Word that if ANY man (or woman) be in Christ, he (she) is a NEW creation.
I can honestly say that I have loved Jesus all my life. As far back as I can remember, the cinema depiction of the sweet face of the Master touched me to my very core. Even before I truly understood what Jesus had done for me on the cross, seeing Him hang there hurt my heart. If you know me, you know I have been singing since I could practically open my mouth. Not that it was always a good sound but my precious parents, at the urging of a friend, enrolled me in classical voice lessons when I was 14 and I took them for four years. By the time I was 18 I had been learning to sing - either through school, church or private lessons for 12 years. I have to tell you that it was not until I truly entered into a relationship with Jesus Christ on January 1, 1998 was the anointing of the Holy Spirit on my voice. Someone I was talking with recently asked me if I was a singer. I told her I was and she told me she could hear the song in my voice. Friends - I trust God and the song in my voice is from Him! With all my heart, soul, mind and strength and I KNOW that I KNOW that I KNOW that nothing Satan ordains - NO weapon he forms against us shall prosper and with my voice and in my heart I will sing the praise of Jesus and I will trust the Almighty God to be my voice, to use my voice to minister HIS love and mercy and HIS truth. Things get tough some times and things happen we don't understand. There's a song by Kari Jobe that I just love - it's (appropriately) titled "I'm Singing." The chorus to the song says

"And I'm Singing to the God who brings redemption to the nations
Kings and oceans bow to Him in praise
And I'm Singing to the God who wrote the book on our salvation
To the One who covers me in grace
I'm Singing"
© Gateway Create Publishing; Sixsteps Music; Vamos Publishing; Worshiptogether.com Songs
Come what may, any day, I am trusting God and I'm singing, For His Glory.

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