Thursday, October 8, 2009

An Epiphany - For His Glory, October 8, 2009

Okay - so woke up REALLY late this morning and by the time I was getting cleaned up and "ready" for the day - it hit me: "MY LIFE S _ _ _ S!" No, really, it does! Not in the "traditional" sense, mind you because the list of the ways that God has blessed me is WAY, WAY, WAY long but in the standard "okay, not doing what I was created to do" sense! I gotta tell ya kids, I woke up today. That was ALL the affirmation I needed to remind me that I AM HERE FOR A PURPOSE!! Workin' at a job, cleaning house, laundering, cooking. Yeah, those are ALL divine "appointments" and well in keeping with the directives of Proverbs 31 so don't get me wrong. Those are all very necessary parts of life. The greater question, the one we MUST ask ourselves every day is this: Am I doing what God has put me here today or am I allowing "the urgent" to get in the way of what is TRULY important??? Tough question and one that, today, got answered by "MY LIFE S _ _ _ S!" Every day that I lose track of what God has put me here for, while not a day totally wasted, is one more day I missed it. Okay, I know, I know - this is MY opinion and well, yeah, it is my opinion because it's my blog but folks - think on this will you? This is what Dr. Randy Carlson calls "Living the Intentional Life!" (Thank you Dr. Randy!) Life is not to be lived by accident but ON PURPOSE! Are we seein' the theme here?? IF we're are created FOR a purpose then our lives are to be LIVED ON PURPOSE??? Friends, I desire to be intentional - in my walk with Christ, in pursuing HIS purpose for me, in DAILY living out HIS purpose for me! Yeah, we all have to work and pay the bills and clean the house and do the laundry and walk the dog (and yeah, the "stuff" that comes with that one too) but we cannot lose sight of the call to do what GOD has CALLED us to do, what HE has created us to do! I ask you to join me in 1. Living an intentional life EVERY day; 2. Intentionally pursuing God DAILY; 3. Not allowing the "urgent" to displace the eternal. Will you hold me accountable? You know my heart. Will you pray for me? You know my desire. Will you join me? I'd LOVE your company on the journey. Yours, In Him- Andrea


aztda1 said...

Great post, Andrea! I like what the write, Robert Byrne says about purpose -"The purpose of life is a life of purpose."

We have all the more reason to live a life of purpuse through, and in Christ - because eternal destinies hang in the balance! Thanks for the reminder of our daily pursuit, Andrea!

For His Glory said...

WAY cool! I think we're on to somethin' here! :)