Wednesday, May 13, 2009

For His Glory - Wednesday, May 13, 2009 - "ME MONSTERS"

Tanner and one of his best buds love to listen to this comedian (whose name, unfortunately, I cannot remember cuz' he really deserves the credit for this) but he talks about "Me Monsters." You know, we've all met them and I dare say, at times, we've all been one! A "Me Monster" is that person who, no matter what the conversation, can always "go you one better." If your child got a 30 on the ACT (perfect score 36) ALL FOUR OF THEIR KIDS got a 40 (yeah, uhm, right!) If you labored for 30 hours, they labored for 30 days! You know, you're gettin' the gist of this. One of the things one of my girlfriends and I have noticed, as we desire to become truly Godly wives, is that 1 Corinthians 13 says that "love does not seek it's own; love does not envy and love does not parade itself." In short, LOVE is NOT a "Me Monster." Love is willing to take second place. OUCH! We all KNOW that second place is first loser but NOT in God's economy and NOT when we say we love. I cannot tell you I love you if at the same time I have to have my way, or I have to protect my "rights." This is a tough one for me, kids. I was the youngest in my family for a time and ended up the middle child. I missed that "youngest child" attention I got from my folks and did some pretty crummy things to get noticed. As the Holy Spirit is leading me and teaching me how to be a woman God can use for His Glory, I am compelled first and foremost, to truly love. That the things that break the heart of God would break my heart too. "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things." Silly Rabbit, "Me Monsters" are for kids.
Loving you, with His Love! AA


azdesertcatsd said...

I've met some of those "Me Monsters" as well. I try really hard not to be one, but sometimes people behave a certain way and don't even realize it until someone points it out to them.

For His Glory said...

you're right Sher Bear - i think we all know 'em and, at times, we've been there. I think for most folks it's an inadvertent response to someone else but if we don't "check ourselves" we can really "wreck ourselves" and miss out on chances to really listen and respond wisely instead of as a "Me Monster!" You're loved and missed LOTS!